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People & Work Management

In many organizations, most managers assume their leadership roles without any formalized education and training on how to manage people. Therefore, one of the greatest challenges that most managers face is knowing exactly what to do in order to deliver value and produce results though the support of their constituents.

For every manager, people are an integral part of his or her success equation. His/her achievement is dependent not so much on his technical ability but on his people skills. Why? Because his performance is determined by the support he receives from the team.  People either support the manager willingly or they don’t support him at all. Their willingness to support is stirred up by the leadership and management skills level of the manager; which in essence puts the limits of a manager’s leadership influence over his constituents.

This program provides a comprehensive, practical and modern ‘work management thinking’ on how to be a manager of people. It is intended to empower and show the manager the values that should guide his/her actions to establish a distinction in his/her people and work management roles. The lessons are purely based on real management challenges enabling the manager to learn first-hand on: What to do, When to do it, How to do it, and most importantly, Why to do it.

Course Modules

  • People and work management principles
  • Behaviour Management in Business
  • The Key result Areas in management
  • Coaching people for extraordinary performance
  • How to get people do what you want without begging or commanding them

Additional Benefits

  • A course workbook with information presented on the material day
  • A certificate of attendance