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Personal Branding

Every person ought to be known as an expert in a certain way at least in a local or regional level. To achieve that, you need to think of yourself as a brand in your chosen field. Personal Branding is essential to career advancement because branding helps define who you are, how you are great, and why you should be sought out.

Branding means nothing more and nothing less than creating a distinct personality and telling the world about it by hook or by crook. Branding is about building a name for yourself, showcasing what sets you apart from others, and describing the added value you bring to a situation. This program is meant to equip you with the right tools in order to create and maintain a brand called ‘you’.

The course will cover

  • Why Branding is important
  • How to stand out from a crowd
  • Personal Branding equity test
  • Developing your brand equity
  • How to make powerful first impressions.
  • How to project a professional business image through appropriate dressing

Additional Benefits

  • A course workbook with information presented on the material day
  • A certificate of attendance