Hate pollution

The sad reality of our society today is that there are more people with sick minds than there are with sick bodies. Many sick minds are sick because they are mentally undernourished. They are deprived of wholesome thought-nourishment. They lack mental exercise. They do not have enough thought stimulation to keep them actively healthy.

Most sick minds however are sick because they take in a daily dose of mental poison in form of HATE. When you allow HATE THOUGHTS to get into your mind, you mentally poison your mind. HATE is one of the most deadly MIND POISON. Hate will not only pollute your emotional environment but also sicken your very soul. The unfortunate thing is that you may not be able to prognosticate someone who has been poisoned by hate just by looking at their exterior. You will know that they are sick when you begin to follow the things they post and write on other people’s walls for ego-satisfaction. Why would somebody write insults against someone they don’t even know?

Hate is a mental poison which instantly distorts the mind. How do we get rid of hate which pollutes our emotional environment? There are some psychological methods which you can use to prevent becoming a mental, or emotional, or physical victim of hate-your own hate or that directed against you. One simple way to do that is by directing, channeling and guiding the psychological need to feel important which is the most powerful motivation of all. If you could fulfill in others their compelling need to feel important by treating them as being important, you will have helped them to discover how to multiply their importance by becoming a positive person.

Helping employees cope with with retirement and retrenchment

It is always heart breaking news when an adult worker who has been in employment, day in day out, year after year is told that they are no longer needed due to the collapse of an industry, downsizing, lay-offs, erosion of brand names and so forth.

For many workers, a job is more than a means of a livelihood: It provides for them a structure around which they design their lives. They know where to go to when they get out of bed every morning. Some people get into depression when business situations demand that they take early retirement because they feel that they are no longer needed by the same organization they have worked in for years.

That is why you, the employer, should care and offer such workers some kind of help in some way. The least any employer should do is to show such workers that there is more in store for retired or retrenched persons. You the employer should help them walk out the closed door to find an open door in which they will be needed; by making use of the talents and skills they have.

We have been running a program (I Want Me Back) that has had tremendous impact in a number of organizations in such situations and we would be more than willing to partner with your organization in helping your retirees find a new bearing in life. For any enquiry, please write to us or call us.

Public Speaking

Are you a Business owner, Team leader, Manager, Departmental head, Public speaker, Student, Supervisor, A Clergy, Spouse of a Pastor or Politician, Sales Person, a professional in any field, or a leader in any category?

Have you ever stood before a gathering, perhaps to give a one hour presentation or speech only to FRET, SHAKE and FUMBLE through your presentation in less than half the time? This is quite embarrassing: It portrays you as inefficient and unknowledgeable in your subject.

It may surprise you to know that many people thrust upon leadership roles are not aware that a rise in rank of any leadership capacity demands an expanded set of skills. One of the key competencies that determines your overall success in any leadership capacity and which you must have and DEVELOP, is the ability to COMMUNICATE in a FLUID and FLOWING manner.

Many people, when called upon to speak up their minds in public, do a very shoddy job. Why? Because they lack knowledge and the skills necessary to PRESENT themselves persuasively while advocating for their ideas; they have not learned HOW TO speak powerfully in public.

It doesn’t have to be that way! At the SPEAKERS’ ACADEMY, you can learn how to speak powerfully in public faster than you can learn how to drive a car. You are TRAINED and COACHED by the best in the seminar and speaking industry-Kigwa Stephen. What are you taught?

  • You learn how to gain and build CONFIDENCE, COMMUNICATE, SPEAK and PRESENT yourself in public like a pro.
  • All you need to know on what to do while off and on stage.
  • You are given step by step practical guide and instructions that will empower you to fully liberate yourself from the fear of speaking in public.
  • You learn how to capture the audience’s attention;
  • You learn how to make your speech or presentation captivating.
  • You learn the principles of Public Speaking.
  • You learn business presentation skills.

Make a date with us and acquire the requisite skills to Speak and present with POWER and POISE. Write to us or call us for details on how to register.

Intellectual Prostitutes

Every person with a college degree education should regard his education as a calling to sacred duty. S/he should not look at it as a tool to be used for his or her own selfish advancement, but for the betterment of human species. As a matter of factly, no one can exclusively use his divine gift for himself alone and get the best use of it. The man or woman who withholds the giving of himself to mankind does it at his or her peril.

The way to get the most out of ourselves or out of life is not to try to seek for ourselves the highest possible price we can command but in giving ourselves not stingily but magnanimously to our fellow beings. Regardless of your profession, never allow your highest ideals to be stifled and strangled by the never ending scrabble for coins. Whether you make money or lose it, never sacrifice your good name for power, for position or for a dollar. Your greatest wealth is not in how much money you accumulate, or the houses you build, or lands, or stock or bonds. There is something much better than to be a millionaire of money; and that is to be a millionaire of brains, culture, of usefulness to the fellow human beings, a millionaire of your unsoiled reputation.

Any man or woman who instead of using his education to lift his fellow men uses it to bring them down, to mislead, to demoralize is an INTELLECTUAL PROSTITUTE. It is a disgrace to the society for an educated man or woman to botch his work, to use his trained mind and all his powers to ruin the very people he is supposed to help.

There is so much pressure in the 21st century on the trained minds to sell their brains, to transmute their ability into dollars and to PROSTITUTE their education. This is an alarm to caution every educated man and woman against being taken captive by the money madness of the money-god, which most people worship either knowingly or unknowingly.

Any form of education which doesn’t elevate and refine its recipient is a curse instead of a blessing.  Every educated man must endeavour to do something better and higher than merely putting money in his wallet.  Money making should and must never be compared to man making.

Your education should light up the way for the less fortunate. It must show the world that you have something in you too sacred to be tampered with, something labelled ‘not for sale’. A sacred ‘equity’ that cannot be bought by influence, power, money, or position. Conduct yourself in such a manner that everyone will see that there is something in you that would repel every suggestion that you could be bought or bribed: Regard the mere suggestion of trading your high ideals into dollars as an insult.

How to Apologize

It is common knowledge that we live in a world full of imperfect People. These people may be your spouse, your boss, employer, employee, children, neighbor, relative, acquaintance, political leader and you are also in that list. More often than not, these people will make mistakes whose motive is subject to suspicion.

When people make mistakes and perhaps unintentionally, they think that the way to make amends with those they have wronged is to simply say ‘sorry, or I apologize’. Nothing can be further from the truth.  Feeling sorry is part of it but you need to understand that apologizing is deeper than that just saying sorry. Here is how to make an apology;

  1. Admitting: The first step is to admit and own up that you have created a problem or a problem has occurred as a result of your actions or in-actions. People will be willing to forgive you if you admit.
  2. Remorse-fullness: Express your sorrow and regret explaining clearly what you know about the incident. Don’t try to hide anything or cover up.
  3. Sincerely apologize: State that it shouldn’t have happened and assure the wronged party what steps you have taken to ensure that it won’t happen again.
  4. Take responsibility: Move quickly to fix the problem and clearly state how you are specifically addressing the consequences of the mistake(s).
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