Many people in employment assume their assigned duties and roles merely as passive subjects of those to whom they report to. They let their jobs use them until they become what we would call worn out parts. The amazing paradox however is that anyone can and should use their job instead of letting their job use them. Look-if you think of your job as drudgery, you will obviously come to hate it; if you think of it as a routine, with the passage of time, you will ultimately loathe it.

Here is how to use your job: If you can think of your job as a constant challenge (and actually it is), you will embrace every opportunity it provides for you to improve on yourself and your performance ratings. As a result, you will enter into an exciting journey of career advancement and fulfillment.

Begin at once to do your job so much better than what you have been doing before until you have reserve skills and energy that wouldn’t be utilized in that particular job. In other words, become better than your job. When you become better than what your present job is demanding from you then you will have outgrown your present job.

As soon as you have become much bigger than your present job, somehow you will either get a bigger job-from your present employer or another employer. Always think of your job as a never ending series of challenge and opportunity to improve. To improve in order to outgrow and become much bigger.