Public speaking is one of the most powerful yet underutilized and ignored ways to build and grow your business and income by creating raving fans; deeply connecting with your audience and establishing yourself as the “go-to” authority in today’s competitive environment. I am excited to announce the re-launch of Kigwa Stephen’s Speakers Master Class: An exclusive online program for those who want to create a successful speaking career.

There are many courses out there on professional speaking, almost all of them offered by people who have never built a big speaking career. Kigwa Stephen has been in the speaking and seminar business for over two decades and I can guarantee you that there isn’t a course that comes close to the practical business advice that you will get from this program. This is the Most Comprehensive and Practical Course on the Speaking Business you can ever find anywhere.

In this class, I reveal all the tips, tricks, strategies and secrets I’ve discovered and developed over a period of more than 20 years of my speaking career. It doesn’t matter if you’re just starting out, even if you’re terrified while on the stage, or if you’re someone with experience as a speaker: This Master Class is a must attend if you’ve ever imagined yourself on stage sharing your message with a captivated audience. If you’re already a professional speaker, you’ll gather insights on how to scale your business using the secrets I’ve discovered over the years. Here’s just a sneak preview of what you’ll get from this class:-

  • How to build credibility, market and position yourself as an expert authority on your speaking subject matter.
  • How to go from speaking for free to getting paid engagements
  • How to reach a wider audience and deliver your message with impact
  • How to set your speaker fees based on a very simple formula
  • How to find and book speaking engagements and get referrals
  • How to generate income as a professional speaker
  • How to create and deliver an unforgettable keynote speech.
  • How to deliver the types of speeches that will get you booked on repeat without any marketing.
  • How to grab the audience’s attention and put their focus purely on you.
  • The exact roadmap to jumpstart and shortcut your speaking career that anyone can use
  • How to deliver your speech with total confidence and receive a standing ovation from your new raving fans.

Giving an unforgettable speech can be the one thing that makes or breaks your career as a speaker. Get it right, and people will be pointing to you as the authority in your industry. Get it wrong and it could set you back years on your journey. Your investment for this course is USD120. Enrol into this program and learn everything You Need to know on how to build a World-Class Speaking Business.

Kigwa Stephen

To your speaking success


If you’re a business owner, an executive, team leader, manager, CEO, or a project leader, this article is for you. Leaders are made through personal development. That means you can become an exceptional leader by learning what great leaders do, how they think, and how they feel.

For decades, scientists have conducted many studies with the aim of discovering what exactly makes a leader great. Those studies reveal that great leaders do possess certain qualities, which make them effective in leading teams and organizations to success. Do you know what those qualities are and do you have them?

The Manager’s Package gives you the perfect opportunity to find out exactly what you can do to become an outstanding leader. So if you’ve ever wanted to be more effective and efficient, then this package was created with you in mind. One of the key factors that makes a great leader is effective management skills and this package will deliver into your hands insights and tools you can use as you strive to become a better leader. You also get to learn the truth about the impact your words have on others, and why you must choose them with care; the most important and respected quality of a great leader and how to develop it in yourself; Masterful Management-all that and much more for just USD100.

So if you ever wanted your team to perform at their highest level, you have to set the example by showing them that you are committed to continually improve yourself. Reserve your seat today. For details on registration call us or write to Stephen through skigwa@mskigwa.com


Coaching is an essential tool in the leadership toolkit. As a leader, you have to take the time to build the kind of relationship with your team members that enables you to provide them with coaching on a regular basis. Successful coaching between a manager and a team member is enhanced by a strong relationship.

Coaching can be used to address an actual performance issue and it can also be used to help an employee grow and improve in areas that are important to them. Simply stated, coaching is empowering people to grow and improve their skill set. Irrespective of what your motivation or reason for pulling out your coaching tool, there are some steps that you can take to be an effective coach.
Before you engage yourself in a coaching session, it is advisable that you take the time to identify the key highlights that you will discuss with the team member. This will help you stay focused, cover key topics of discussion, and be more confident and relaxed in the process.

The initial step in a coaching session involves describing the performance issue to your team member(s) and then accord them an opportunity to share their perspective on the same. Pay attention to what they have to say. Use open-ended questions to clarify and enhance your understanding of the team member’s perspective.

The next step is to discuss the impact of the issue or opportunity on the team member and others. Let’s say for instance that you are coaching a team member who has been reporting to work late and they have offered to work some extra hours to compensate for their lateness. However, they may be blind to the impact this have on the other team members that may have had to pick up their tasks before they arrive. In such a scenario, you would have to give specific examples of how their behaviour impacts others.

The third step in the coaching process is to clarify the expectations you have of the employee. Making the team member to clearly understand what performance is expected of him/her. It’s also very important that the team member understand the consequences (if the coaching is to address a negative issue) and the benefits (if the coaching is to elevate satisfactory performance) of their actions or inactions.

The next step is to engage the team member in action planning and obtaining commitment to that action plan: Engaging the team member in brainstorming ideas on the potential steps they could take to turn the situation around. Upon detailing a good list of options, ask them what steps they will take and be sure to follow up with the team member.

Lastly, document the conversation: Seeing the conversation in writing not only elevates the sense of seriousness but may be needed should the team member choose not to meet the expectations and you realize some level of discipline or termination is appropriate. While none of us likes to initiate these consequences, being an effective leader means doing the difficult things too.

There are great potential benefits for your team members and the organization as well when you provide coaching. That includes but not limited to the following:
•Demonstrating your organizational commitment to human resource development
•Empowering individuals and encouraging them to take responsibility
•Increasing employee and staff engagement
•Improving individual performance
•Helping identify and develop high potential employees
•Helping identify both organizational and individual strengths and development opportunities
•Motivating and empowering individuals to excel

Employee Coaching has been a key focus for business leaders and we have a 4 HOURS ONLINE COURSE on COACHING FOR PERFORMANCE IMPROVEMENT that will give you the much needed insight on the coaching process and guide you-step by step, on how to have an effective performance-oriented conversations. For details on registration, please contact Ignition Training Group at +254773413419 or email Kigwa Stephen at skigwa@mskigwa.com

Hate pollution

The sad reality of our society today is that there are more people with sick minds than there are with sick bodies. Many sick minds are sick because they are mentally undernourished. They are deprived of wholesome thought-nourishment. They lack mental exercise. They do not have enough thought stimulation to keep them actively healthy.

Most sick minds however are sick because they take in a daily dose of mental poison in form of HATE. When you allow HATE THOUGHTS to get into your mind, you mentally poison your mind. HATE is one of the most deadly MIND POISON. Hate will not only pollute your emotional environment but also sicken your very soul. The unfortunate thing is that you may not be able to prognosticate someone who has been poisoned by hate just by looking at their exterior. You will know that they are sick when you begin to follow the things they post and write on other people’s walls for ego-satisfaction. Why would somebody write insults against someone they don’t even know?

Hate is a mental poison which instantly distorts the mind. How do we get rid of hate which pollutes our emotional environment? There are some psychological methods which you can use to prevent becoming a mental, or emotional, or physical victim of hate-your own hate or that directed against you. One simple way to do that is by directing, channeling and guiding the psychological need to feel important which is the most powerful motivation of all. If you could fulfill in others their compelling need to feel important by treating them as being important, you will have helped them to discover how to multiply their importance by becoming a positive person.

Helping employees cope with with retirement and retrenchment

It is always heart breaking news when an adult worker who has been in employment, day in day out, year after year is told that they are no longer needed due to the collapse of an industry, downsizing, lay-offs, erosion of brand names and so forth.

For many workers, a job is more than a means of a livelihood: It provides for them a structure around which they design their lives. They know where to go to when they get out of bed every morning. Some people get into depression when business situations demand that they take early retirement because they feel that they are no longer needed by the same organization they have worked in for years.

That is why you, the employer, should care and offer such workers some kind of help in some way. The least any employer should do is to show such workers that there is more in store for retired or retrenched persons. You the employer should help them walk out the closed door to find an open door in which they will be needed; by making use of the talents and skills they have.

We have been running a program (I Want Me Back) that has had tremendous impact in a number of organizations in such situations and we would be more than willing to partner with your organization in helping your retirees find a new bearing in life. For any enquiry, please write to us or call us.

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