Are you excited about going to work? Are you happy with the work that you do? Why would anyone spend a third of their day in a job, doing something that makes them unhappy?

Regardless of the nature of work that you are involved in, you can be happy and satisfied if you really want to. Here are some great ideas that could be the game changer in the way you look at your job and the work that you do. You owe it to yourself to find satisfaction in your job as long as you have it; whether you are the boss or employee.

Satisfaction is a mental attitude: Your own mental attitude is the one thing you posses over which you alone have complete control. You can choose to find satisfaction in your job and figure out ways to do so. If you are unhappy at your job, the poison of that dissatisfaction can spread in to every dimension of your living. Your mental attitude tilts the scale.

Happy and satisfied people control their mental attitudes. They generally have a positive outlook towards life and their circumstances. They look for the good; they look into themselves to see if they can improve. They try to learn more about their world so that they can be more proficient and make their work more satisfying to themselves and their employers.

On the other hand, those who are unhappy look for everything that they can complain about-just so they can be unhappy. Sadly, they succeed well in that too. You can control your mental attitude by the use of self motivators towards positive action in the desired direction. Here are a few tips you can try out:

  1. See beyond the routine: One of the secrets of job satisfaction is being able to see beyond the routine. You will find satisfaction in routine chores only when you see them as stepping stones leading you onward to your desired destination. No matter how dull, uninteresting or tiresome your job may be, if at the end of it all you are able to see a goal that you desire, that job can bring satisfaction to you. Even if the job does not offer you any mental challenge or stimulation, it serves you because it is the means towards a worthy end result-your work is leading you somewhere. This is true whether you are washing cars, digging ditches or the MD of an organization.
  2. You can be happier if you made others happy. Try and make each day a little brighter for every person you interact with. Bring enthusiasm into your job-you will make your work fun and your job satisfying. If you are going to do it anyway, why not do it with smile?
  3. What are your natural aptitudes or liking? When you work, engage in activities that come naturally to you. The characteristics, abilities and capacities that make you happy and successful in one environment may produce an exact opposite result in another. Change your position and place yourself in an environment that is pleasing to you. If it is not practical to change your position, then try to make adjustments in your environment to leverage on your characteristics, abilities and capacities for you to be happy. You are more apt to find satisfaction in your job if you do what comes naturally to you. When you take a job that does not come naturally, you may experience mental and emotional conflicts and frustrations.