Are you a Business owner, Team leader, Manager, Departmental head, Public speaker, Student, Supervisor, A Clergy, Spouse of a Pastor or Politician, Sales Person, a professional in any field, or a leader in any category?

Have you ever stood before a gathering, perhaps to give a one hour presentation or speech only to FRET, SHAKE and FUMBLE through your presentation in less than half the time? This is quite embarrassing: It portrays you as inefficient and unknowledgeable in your subject.

It may surprise you to know that many people thrust upon leadership roles are not aware that a rise in rank of any leadership capacity demands an expanded set of skills. One of the key competencies that determines your overall success in any leadership capacity and which you must have and DEVELOP, is the ability to COMMUNICATE in a FLUID and FLOWING manner.

Many people, when called upon to speak up their minds in public, do a very shoddy job. Why? Because they lack knowledge and the skills necessary to PRESENT themselves persuasively while advocating for their ideas; they have not learned HOW TO speak powerfully in public.

It doesn’t have to be that way! At the SPEAKERS’ ACADEMY, you can learn how to speak powerfully in public faster than you can learn how to drive a car. You are TRAINED and COACHED by the best in the seminar and speaking industry-Kigwa Stephen. What are you taught?

  • You learn how to gain and build CONFIDENCE, COMMUNICATE, SPEAK and PRESENT yourself in public like a pro.
  • All you need to know on what to do while off and on stage.
  • You are given step by step practical guide and instructions that will empower you to fully liberate yourself from the fear of speaking in public.
  • You learn how to capture the audience’s attention;
  • You learn how to make your speech or presentation captivating.
  • You learn the principles of Public Speaking.
  • You learn business presentation skills.

Make a date with us and acquire the requisite skills to Speak and present with POWER and POISE. Write to us or call us for details on how to register.