Many people who take vacations regularly, do so primarily driven by the overriding need to break away from established work routine. Generally speaking, their vacations are characterized by misdirected leisure, pleasure and indulgence. But soon after vacationing, they have to go back and fit into the normalcy of their mundane activities.

Away with those orthodox vacations! How about a carefully themed holidaying experience that will not only afford you all the time you need to relax, but also revitalize and catalyze you to move ahead in this game called life? A vacation not just for you to have time off from your busy schedule, but also to help you re-charge, re-purpose and refocus.

I would like to interest you into a holidaying concept of a lifetime dubbed VR (Vision Retreat) that will allow you to review your life, business and career. This is an unforgettable vacation experience that will help you get excited again. It focuses on a paradigm shift at a personal level in the three dimensions of human triune definiteness: Spiritually, Emotionally and Intellectually.

At the VR, you will be equipped with vital tools to help you chart a road map for your life, unlock your personal power to experience the difference between getting better and getting different results. Once you have been to VR, You will feel rejuvenated and more motivated. You will get to discover that you have hidden assets and overlooked possibilities that are not producing maximum results for you.

You will realize that you can move rapidly and easily from your present level of life experience to a higher level of accomplishment. You will begin to see yourself in a way that you have never seen yourself before. VR is designed in such a way that it will really be difficult for you to go back and fit in the same old mental model.

This year’s VR is scheduled for 29th July to 2nd August at the Pride in Flamingo Beach ResortMombasa. If you would like to be part of this, and you should, the registration is ongoing and closes at midnight of June 22nd 2024. The registration fee is USD960. To reserve your spot, Email or call us at your earliest convenience: |+254 773 413 419