How to fast track your career

What constitutes a good job? Who determines it is a good job? If a job does not help you fulfill your purpose in life, then it is not a good job. You have got to ask yourself, “How do I want to live my life?” You can create a job for yourself anywhere anytime as long as you can convince and demonstrate to a potential employer that s/he can make or save more money than the cost of hiring you.

Think about this for a moment: Why would Jane and James be changing jobs anytime they want, while John and Joyce are jobless and have been unsuccessful in securing jobs? Why would Peter and Janet be stuck in the same old dead end career for ages contended with their mediocre pay? Which one are you? Jane and James represent the creative minority in every sector constituting about 5%. Obviously, there is something that these characters know that majority don’t.

Ignition Training Group has organized a one day workshop on the 27th of July 2024. The objective is to equip you with the right tools in order to create and develop a valuable nameplate or brand called ‘you’ in your chosen field. Here is a preview of what to expect during this workshop:

  • You will get to learn the five advancement strategies used by the 5% minority.
  • You will be able to identify the winning edges in your field and how to present yourself as the ideal person for a specific job.
  • You will learn the universal single most important thing that potential employers look for.
  • You will gain insight that will enable you identify the five major critical factors that should signal a breakaway point or change in your career path.
  • You will discover clear pointers to your life’s purpose and God given assignment in life.
  • You will be shown the key rules used for making decisions in hiring highly paid employees and how to get ahead in your career.

This workshop is about the EVOLUTION of your professional life or it’s EXTINCTION. If you would like to be part of this workshop, please write or call us for details on how to register. Your investment for this workshop is USD100

How to sell yourself in the job market

It may interest you  to note that there are more job openings today than there were two decades ago. As a matter of fact there are more job varieties than has ever been in the history of human evolution. However, only about 20% of all job openings are advertised through the main stream print media. This means that there is a large and hidden(no so obvious) job market that most job seekers have no clue about. These job openings are never advertised in the newspapers.

What does this tell you? You may have to wait far too long if you hope to secure a job through the adverts in the mainstream print media. As a job seeker you need to be a little aggressive in your search for your dream job. Make sure that every day, you are building on your network of professionals who are already in the field that you would like to explore.

Volunteer your skills and expertise to assist them in their projects without even expecting any sort of reward. You will be pleasantly surprised that they will be more than wiling to introduce you to the people who have the power and authority to hire. It is so paradoxical that there are employers out there who are currently frustrated because they don’t seem to get the right candidates for the job openings in their organizations.

Your CV is a very crucial document. It is like (and indeed is) a sales brochure and should be a selling document as opposed to a ‘telling document’. The work of a CV is not to get you a job; it is meant to get you an interview for you to sell yourself.  It should not be a list of duties and responsibilities from your previous employment.  It should capture the reader’s attention with the profile highlighting on your skills, experiences and relevant qualifications.

An average recruitment manager spends only about 30 seconds glancing at a CV. Which means that your profile should be loaded with powerful ammunition that will make the prospecting employer want to meet with you. We may not exhaustively explain to you here how to create a winning CV, but it is important that you grasp the fact that you need to give it much of your attention.