How to Apologize

It is common knowledge that we live in a world full of imperfect People. These people may be your spouse, your boss, employer, employee, children, neighbor, relative, acquaintance, political leader and you are also in that list. More often than not, these people will make mistakes whose motive is subject to suspicion.

When people make mistakes and perhaps unintentionally, they think that the way to make amends with those they have wronged is to simply say ‘sorry, or I apologize’. Nothing can be further from the truth.  Feeling sorry is part of it but you need to understand that apologizing is deeper than that just saying sorry. Here is how to make an apology;

  1. Admitting: The first step is to admit and own up that you have created a problem or a problem has occurred as a result of your actions or in-actions. People will be willing to forgive you if you admit.
  2. Remorse-fullness: Express your sorrow and regret explaining clearly what you know about the incident. Don’t try to hide anything or cover up.
  3. Sincerely apologize: State that it shouldn’t have happened and assure the wronged party what steps you have taken to ensure that it won’t happen again.
  4. Take responsibility: Move quickly to fix the problem and clearly state how you are specifically addressing the consequences of the mistake(s).