What is going on in your house? Are you as happy as you should be? Are you wondering what in the world happened to your marriage? How do you feel about your wife or husband? Is the ‘chemistry’ that once drove you both crazy for each other still on? Are you running on an ‘emotional empty’? Do you feel emotionally disengaged? What got you turned off?

Married life is a walk of togetherness but when agreement lacks in that walk, the marital house cannot stand let alone grow or prosper. For all married couples who feel trapped in miserable marriages but are still struggling with it hoping that things will get better, it is time to send your emotions to school. Things don’t get better by hoping, but by looking for the right tools to revive the dream that died in your marriage and make it work to create a unique inspiring story out of all your frustrations.

On the 1st and 2nd of March, Life Seminars will be hosting a Marriage Boot Camp (MBC) at the Starling Bird Resort. Our intention is to help you build a happy and fulfilling love relationship with your wife or husband. We have lined up for you a number of sessions and stimulating activities with sought after speakers, relationship coaches and marriage counsellors. It is going to be the most insightful and exciting workshop that you have ever attended.

It will address and ‘undress’ everything that frustrates women about men and vice versa. It will expose the issues that men have but won’t say to their women. You will be receiving practical tools to help you overcome insurmountable problems in your love life to build an impeccable marriage. We will be discussing on ‘The Pillars of Unshakable Marriages’ and show you the first two ‘tell signs’ of a relationship that is drifting apart. You will get to understand the five major principles of pulling together in a marriage relationship. We will deposit into your life skills that will enable you learn how to win the cooperation of your partner.

If this is something that resonates well with you, then you have a standing invitation to be part of this year’s transformative married love experience. You also have our guarantee as well, that this MBC will give your relationship the lift to a whole new level of engagement to change your marriage for good.

We like limiting the number of couples who should be attending the MBC. So register as early as now before you are closed out. Registration closes at 5pm on Saturday the 24th February 2024. Please write or call us for details on how to register.

Even if you don’t have an issue or a complex love situation right about this time, this MBC is for you too. By the end of it, you will have developed a distinctive edge in making your relationship extra ordinary. The lessons you will take home will awaken an overwhelming commitment of love for each other.

Don’t miss out on this workshop. To register, you can reach us through Tel: +254773413419 or Email: info@mskigwa.com

About the venue

Starling Bird Resort is a hidden gem situated in Maanzoni Conservancy, Machakos county Off Mombasa high way approximately 40 Kilometres away from Kenya’s capital city. In less than fifty minutes’ drive from Nairobi, you discover a bush serenity experience that you won’t be able to find anywhere else. You will enjoy seeing wildlife-giraffes, gazelles, wildebeest, and zebras and at the same time still feel at home away from home. You have all the bush serenity you need for reflection as you rest away into the beautiful melodies of singing birds. There is a touch of excellence on all the amenities, including the swimming pool, the rooms, WIFI, the ambience and not forgetting to mention the generous food portions, warm and friendly staff; to make your stay unforgettable experience.