Take Your ‘Side Hassle’ To Another Level

The high rate of inflation has pushed up the price of many commodities making life almost unbearable for most city dwellers. In an attempt to arrest the diminishing purchasing power of the hard earned shilling, everyone seems to be engaged in some kind of a ‘SIDE HASSLE’ to supplement their income. Most of the ‘Side hassles’ revolve around SELLING of some merchandise: Shoes, Handbags, Beauty care products, Second Hand cloathes, Jewellery, Farm produce, Nutritional Supplements, and the list goes on and on. You are probably already engaged in doing one of those.

The sad reality is that many people doing all these kind of stuff don’t succeed at all and will abandon their ‘Side hassle’ within a year or two. Why is that? Most of them fail not because the product won’t sell but because they are seriously handicapped when it comes to SELLING anything. They lack the basic selling skills that are pivotal in sales revenue generation in a crowded and a very competitive market. The challenge is further made complex by the fact that they have not the slightest CLUE that their selling skills deficiency is driving their ‘Side hassles’ out of business.

If you are involved in any kind of ‘Side hassle’, the probability is that you are currently generating less than 30% of the sales you could be doing every month. If you are dissatisfied by your sales numbers and you are serious about taking your Side Hassle Sales to a totally different level, then make a date with us on 6 July 2024. At our Sales Academy, we will show you what you need to do, how to do it, why to do it, the and how you can DOUBLE your SALES REVENUE in less than THREE MONTHS.

This workshop is ideal for non-sales persons who are currently doing selling, small business owners and it is also open to any other person, including sales people as well keen on honing their skills.

We will not be taking a crowd: We are limiting the number of participants in this workshop because we would like to give very individualized coaching. To reserve your seat and details on registration, please call or write us before 21st June.

How to be happier on your job

Are you excited about going to work? Are you happy with the work that you do? Why would anyone spend a third of their day in a job, doing something that makes them unhappy?

Regardless of the nature of work that you are involved in, you can be happy and satisfied if you really want to. Here are some great ideas that could be the game changer in the way you look at your job and the work that you do. You owe it to yourself to find satisfaction in your job as long as you have it; whether you are the boss or employee.

Satisfaction is a mental attitude: Your own mental attitude is the one thing you posses over which you alone have complete control. You can choose to find satisfaction in your job and figure out ways to do so. If you are unhappy at your job, the poison of that dissatisfaction can spread in to every dimension of your living. Your mental attitude tilts the scale.

Happy and satisfied people control their mental attitudes. They generally have a positive outlook towards life and their circumstances. They look for the good; they look into themselves to see if they can improve. They try to learn more about their world so that they can be more proficient and make their work more satisfying to themselves and their employers.

On the other hand, those who are unhappy look for everything that they can complain about-just so they can be unhappy. Sadly, they succeed well in that too. You can control your mental attitude by the use of self motivators towards positive action in the desired direction. Here are a few tips you can try out:

  1. See beyond the routine: One of the secrets of job satisfaction is being able to see beyond the routine. You will find satisfaction in routine chores only when you see them as stepping stones leading you onward to your desired destination. No matter how dull, uninteresting or tiresome your job may be, if at the end of it all you are able to see a goal that you desire, that job can bring satisfaction to you. Even if the job does not offer you any mental challenge or stimulation, it serves you because it is the means towards a worthy end result-your work is leading you somewhere. This is true whether you are washing cars, digging ditches or the MD of an organization.
  2. You can be happier if you made others happy. Try and make each day a little brighter for every person you interact with. Bring enthusiasm into your job-you will make your work fun and your job satisfying. If you are going to do it anyway, why not do it with smile?
  3. What are your natural aptitudes or liking? When you work, engage in activities that come naturally to you. The characteristics, abilities and capacities that make you happy and successful in one environment may produce an exact opposite result in another. Change your position and place yourself in an environment that is pleasing to you. If it is not practical to change your position, then try to make adjustments in your environment to leverage on your characteristics, abilities and capacities for you to be happy. You are more apt to find satisfaction in your job if you do what comes naturally to you. When you take a job that does not come naturally, you may experience mental and emotional conflicts and frustrations.

The Etiquette of Talking Back

This article by Stephen Kigwa is meant to educate you on the intellectual code of etiquette that one should observe, when talking back in a debatable issue. It is undisputed fact that in every serious matter, men and women will most certainly both agree and disagree about matters that ultimately affect action and/or feelings. You probably have watched a debate on a Television talk show and witnessed how intelligent people, who have been to school, engage in a shallow, petty, empty and vicious argumentation.

What is the use of a conversation if everybody in it ends up holding on to the same opinion they had? Every conversation should and must be viewed as a meeting of minds-by appealing to facts, voice of reason and truth. Winning a debate on a television show should not be traded for ‘learning’ the ‘truth’ out of the discussion. Anybody who regards conversations as a battle can only win by disagreeing successfully, whether he is right or wrong.

It must be born in mind that you can only win by gaining knowledge, not by knocking down the other party. Most debaters on television talk shows have perfected the art of adorning themselves with a robe of propaganda-to despise, scorn and to isolate something that they can disagree with.

Here is rule number one: Listen not to contradict; not to believe and take for granted; not to find faults but to ‘weigh and consider’. Unfortunately, many people listen with an intent not to understand, but to reply. You must not begin to talk back until you have listened carefully and are sure that you understand before you choose to express yourself. You must be able to say with utter certainty; ‘I understand’ before you can say any of the following: ‘I agree’, ‘I disagree’, or something that you don’t often hear being said, ‘I suspend my judgement’.

If you can say ‘I agree’ you should at least have grounds for doing so. To agree is just as much an exercise of critical judgement on your part as it is to disagree. You may as well be wrong in agreeing as in disagreeing.  It was Adler Motimer who once said that ‘to agree without understanding is insane; to disagree without understanding is impudent.’  When you fully understand what is being said, it prepares the way for a candid evaluation of your response before your carry out your obligation of making an independent judgment.  Any response not based on understanding is, for lack of a better vocabulary, primitive. It is equivalent to saying: ‘I don’t know what you mean, but I think you are wrong’.  How could you possibly disagree with something you don’t even understand! What position would you be challenging in the first place?

Rule number two: All human disagreements can be resolved by eliminating both the misunderstanding and ignorance of the wider scope of issues at hand. All rational men (and that also includes women) can agree even if it’s agreeing not to agree. Man is a rational being. That rationality is actually the root source of his power to agree. However, the imperfections of this reasoning is the major cause of most of the disagreements that occur. Man is also a creature of passion and prejudice. The language he must use to communicate is an imperfect medium clouded by inadequately transparent thoughts, emotions and colored by selfish interests.

Rule number three: The purpose of every serious communication or conversation should be to try to convince, persuade or dissuade the other party. To be able to do that, you must develop rhetorical skills-learn how to convince or persuade; learn how to respond to anyone who tries to convince or persuade you. Please note that even when the parties disagree, each party’s line of persuasion should be respected. Hence the man who at any stage of a conversation, disagrees should at least hope to reach agreement in the end. He should be as much prepared to have his mind changed as he also seeks to change the mind of another.  He should always bear in mind the possibility that he misunderstands or that he is ignorant to some degree.

Rule number four: You must never suppose that to criticize is always to disagree-a very popular but very unfortunate misconception. I long for the day when men and women of manners will dominate the television talk shows and after a debate proclaim; “You have convinced me that such and such is true”; “You have persuaded me that it is probable that…”; “Based on what you have said, I suspend my judgement”. Though not so obvious to most people, suspending judgement is also an act of criticism. It is taking the position that something has not been shown. It is saying that you are not convinced or persuaded one way or the other.

Building a Sustainable Enterprise

In every business pursuit, there are certain parameters that every business person needs to understand in order to remain competitive. Firstly, you must have an in-depth understanding of the operating environment of the business- the business cycle, and the various forces at play in the market place that can work for or against the business that you are in.

Secondly, there is also the need to comprehend the simple fact that there are other players doing the same or similar business in the same market environment. Therefore it should be very clear in your mind who specifically are your direct and indirect competitors. Study them carefully to know their product offering and the target audience. You should then endeavor to define who your customers are, how are the demographics, what can you offer and how? All these plus more are questions that need answers.

Thirdly and most important, is the fact that you need to develop certain business tools that enables you to play your cards outside the confines of the other players. That is what gives you competitive advantage. The combination of various tools whether tangible or intangle is what sets you apart from everyone else. This is your unique selling preposition. This is what says you are different. It could be your packaging, customer service, after sales service, ambience, professionalism, approach and whole lots of other things.

Do not be an apology of a man or woman

Just because you are good looking doesn’t in any way guarantee that you are a good person. Good looks and good grooming have nothing at all to do with the quality of being. You can do a facial scrub, apply make-up, do a nice haircut, dress well and wear a designer’s cologne but still be an apology of a man or a woman on the inside.

You are a good person to the degree of the soundness of your emotional climate. Your emotional climate is determined by your thoughts construct. Thoughts are things and thoughts have consequences. Your emotional climate directs how you explain and interpret things out to yourself. That is really what makes you either a good person or bad person. A rotten thought pattern will obviously distort your perception of reality, how you view other people, how you behave towards them and your reactions or responses to situations.

If you are thinking ill towards someone, it is no way possible to feel good towards that person. Your behaviour and reactions towards them will tend to be hostile, confrontational, adversarial and fight-full. You can never be at peace with anyone else if you are not at peace with yourself.

The good news is that you can change that by altering your dominant thought patterns and mental attitudes. How? By deconstructing your mental model: Refuse, eradicate and reject any thought that demeans, devalues, demonizes, and degrades another person. Instead think highly of others; think well towards other people. Capitalize on thoughts of nobility, purity, harmony and good report.

For more insight on how you can turn your life around, get a hold of Stephen Kigwa’s book titled ‘The Trick of Life’. You can get an e-copy from the e-bookshop on www.mskigwa.com