The Challenge Many People Face

Do you have a well-balanced lifestyle: Doing the work you love, that gives you an excellent financial return and allows you to have significant time off to pursue the things that money can never buy you?

One of the biggest challenges that many people face today is the struggle to strike a healthy balance between work and home. More often than not, many people are starving their most significant relationships of their love and energy. They are up early every morning; take breakfast hurriedly and when they return home late in the evening, they are completely exhausted.

How to Survive a Job Loss

Life presents us with a variety of eventualities that oscillate around being dramatic, wonderful and not so wonderful. Losing a job is one of those dramatic and not so wonderful happenstances. The truth is that we should expect it at some point in life but we don’t, and that is naivety. A job loss could happen for a number of reasons: Collapse of an industry, lay-offs, erosion of brand names and so forth. You wouldn’t drive around your city for years and not expect to have a flat tyre someday. As a matter of fact, you are always prepared for that eventuality (if you are an above average being, that is) and that explains why you have a spare tyre.

For many people, a job means more to them than just a means of earning a livelihood. It provides a structure around which they build their lives. They know where to go to when they wake up every morning. So when someone loses a job, it can really be stressful because they feel destabilized, disoriented and out of control. Some people even get into depression when they lose their jobs.


Many people who take vacations regularly, do so primarily driven by the overriding need to break away from established work routine. Generally speaking, their vacations are characterized by misdirected leisure, pleasure and indulgence. But soon after vacationing, they have to go back and fit into the normalcy of their mundane activities.

Away with those orthodox vacations! How about a carefully themed holidaying experience that will not only afford you all the time you need to relax, but also revitalize and catalyze you to move ahead in this game called life? A vacation not just for you to have time off from your busy schedule, but also to help you re-charge, re-purpose and refocus.